the director.

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15&living the youth as an Indonesian. @windhasa



do i have to walk up or whatever to talk privately with them?
or should i contact them one-by-one then say sorry?
for all the things that happened in the past?

i dont mind to get back to that situation, i dont mind to leave him just like before
i dont mind to hurts or even breaks the trust they gave like what i did to you guys.

that just me with the childish mind. you better like this, and dont ever look back.
i feel so bad now, when three of you do care to me, really care, i even give you a f*ck.
i never treat you like what it supposed to be.

hi 2 years, congratulation your hair is getting back now, yeah, just like the first time we met.

dinosaur! different with the last time we met, different with the last time we skype. looks more than just a teenage, cooler than a shark. thanks for doing everything for me to the fullest.

last, you. the last. you've just become largely what i want when i disappears from yours. kinda too late.

but, am i doin' wrong if i still miss you guys?
of course with a different way
i just miss the time when i get really stupid, to waste your favor.
you just be like what i really like, when i accidentally open your page.
and find out that youre different now, people growing up, and people move on.
little bit sucks. little bit crestfallen.


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