the director.

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15&living the youth as an Indonesian. @windhasa


welcome, Rajawali!

happy monday! kawan-ski gayz, just wanna share about Rajawali arena, a really cataclysmic basketball indoor arena. check this out!!!

nah ini lapangannya. keren, jauh sm gor._.

ini pas lagi game

terus per-lapangannya itu ga cuma 2 ring. pinggirnya ada 6 ring, tapi ring bebas buat pemanasan

nah ini ring game, dan sudah dilengkapi counter digital waktu, score, fouls. yang warna item dibelakang itu 

ini kapten irfan!-_- rambutnya sok sasuke gitu deh

nah kalo ini tim basket spensa, tapi ga semua hehe._. ini pas abis o2sn selasa kemaren

nah jadi, alhamdulillah kita kita udah punya rejeki buat latihan di rajawali pomad tiap minggu pagi. ya emang harganya jauuh ga semurah di gor, harus booking jauh hari dll. gua pernah sih taun lalu nonton disitu, dan emang udah keren banget. dilengkapi kamar mandi yang bersih dan canggih dah. kata coach sih, lantai nya juga  bukan kaya semacem triplek di gor. karpet gitu. dulu cuma bisa liat di bangku penonton yang baguuss, dan tingkat juga. tapi kemaren sampe ada yang guling2 disitu, loncat2, nyerodot segala macem-_- karon sih emang hahah._. sekian!


well, thank you for a thousand time :)

When somebody (he) loved me, everything was beautiful 
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart 
And when she was sad, I was there to dry her(is) tears 
And when she was happy, so was i, when she loved me. 
[ Lyrics from: ] 
Through the summer and the fall, we had each other, that was all 
Just she and I together, like it was meant to be 
And when she was lonely, I was there to comfort her(im)
And I knew that she loved me. 

So the years went by, I stayed the same 
And she began to drift away, I was left alone 
Still I waited for the day, when she'd say "i will always love you." 

Lonely and forgotten, never thought she'd look my way, 
She smiled at me and held me, just like she used to do, 
Like she loved me, when she loved me 

When somebody(he) loved me, everything was beautiful, 
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart 
When she loved me.

umm, thank you for a thousand times. thats okay, i got the point :) i really got. replace the s with the z, never going to school which like im graduate because of an EP, mancestah until we dont know when, and got 3 rocktacular surprise. 
well, if we could do this and he allows that, see you on december then.

best regards,
still your big fans, perky.