the director.

My photo
15&living the youth as an Indonesian. @windhasa


say hi! :D

howaya well-wisher?

long time no see, and this is 2014! i would like to say a bunch, a tons, a truckload or anything bigger than those things-of thank you, to year 2013.

2013 has completely given me a lot of shot, defense, backlash, self enlightenment, and any other things that made a lot of changes in me. i learned about the variety of people, and weeell i realize.....the social value of this place is pretty sucks. i hope this year will be much better-aamiin, dan gua minta doa nya buat dbl yang kira-kira 3 mingguan lagi ya!

actually, there still soooooo much stories i wanna tell. but, it would be better some other time, perhaps. And how's yours?

wishing you have a blessed year too!
-windha satya-


this is how we say, goodbye

kok bisa gini ya, kok gini ya rasanya. 
atau emang gini...tapi lupa?
harus ya se-musingin ini, senyakitin ini.
atau emang sebenernya lebih dari ini...tapi udah kelamaan jadi gasadar?
em kesepiannya gils, rasa sendirinya kerasa.
apa emang dari dulu gini...tapi ya namanya juga ngurang.
makin dikit aja yang tinggal dirumah...yagasi? apa cuma karna sekarang..
timingnya aja yang ga pas bikin banyak kehilangan?

honestly, yesterday i was thinking if i tell u abt school stuffs. you will be extremely happy, 'cos in the other side, youll remembering your best time of your life. being the first headmaster. i know you would love it. and i decided, to tell you all of the stories after my national examination. but well, those things just too late. finally&lately i'm sorry for being too busy, maybe you're ever thinking that i dont even care with people around....and home. by the way, i'm not. i do care until i felt a bit tired, so reached home after 6 - got in to my bedroom - locked the door until morning - then went school.

in the end, i just want to say sorry.and honestly i really really love you grandma.

best regards,
your grand-daughter in the next door.
for my super-duper best grandma ever! rest in peace, 23rd april '13.



saya cuma butuh waktu; itu aja.


jadi, jadwal tentang ujian ujian kelas 9 yang sebelumnya di post ga hoax, ga ada ngaret2nya. gue rasa pihak sekolah bikin itu sebagai motifasi biar ga leha-leha. ternyata, ngga. itu emang kejadian. minggu terakhir di februari dipake TUC Kota, minggu depannya UTS. diselang satu minggu, minggu berikutnya dipake TUC Provinsi, habis itu US, dan beberapa minggu kemudian UN

lagi padatnya gini otak, padat-padatnya juga kemauan hati, kemauan attitude. jauh jauh sama logika, walaupun kacau kali ini ga separah yang pernah dirasain sebelumnya, tetep kali ini waktunya ga pas sama sekali, bantu saya rapihin satu-satu, tolong. &if every teardrop is waterfall, kaya di-lagu nya coldplay. mohon maaf banjir kemarin saya yang membiayai-nya('



"Sometimes memories makes you blind. you keep thinking it's just a shadow. 
until you realize, you're already in love" - Key,

"Lack of love will make you sad,
too much love will lead you to pain" - Park,

"The truth is, the one you love isn't a wizard.
Just a regular person who can't
read your mind at all" my favorite one&the most infuriating, Skandar.

seriously, this week was the most tiring one on 2013. so much pain attacked, both physically and mentally. mhyeeea, regret a little bit about everything ive done. i'm just sick with some things around& i just need a little bit longer-, time. to repair, to fix up, to snuff of, or maybe to chop-you guys up into pieces. if-it-was-supposed-to-be-like-this?

*now playing* when i was your man - .b.m.